This Organization shall be known as the Radio and Television Correspondents’ Association of Capitol Hill.
Congressional Authority
The Congressional Radio and Television Galleries are supervised by their Executive Committee of Correspondents, subject to the direction and control of the Speaker, as delegated by Rule VI of the U.S. House of Representatives; and the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, as delegated by Rule XXXIII of the U.S. Senate.
The Association is two organizations in one. First, it is an administrative body. Its Executive Committee, under Congressional authorization, directs the operation of the Radio and Television Correspondents Galleries of the Congress. It acts from time to time as a congressional accrediting agency for radio and television, as during a political convention or presidential inauguration. The Association operates in the international field also, having accredited correspondents during the organization of the United Nations in 1945. Secondly, the Association is a professional body. It strives to protect the rights and privileges of its members and aim in every way possible to maintain high standards of reporting news.
Applicants desiring admission to the Congressional Radio and Television Galleries shall be Washington, DC-based, electronic newsgathering organizations who declare they meet the following requirements:
- They are not engaged in the prosecution of claims or the promotion of legislation pending before Congress, the Departments, or the independent agencies, and that they will not become so employed without resigning from the galleries;
- They are not employed in any legislative or executive department or independent agency of the Government, or by any foreign government or representative thereof;
- They do not engage in any lobbying activities;
- They do not and will not, directly or indirectly, furnish special information to any organization, individual, or group of individuals for the influencing of prices on any commodity or stock exchange during the time they retain membership in the galleries;
- They are seeking accreditation for the purpose of covering the U.S. Congress only;
- Their chief attention is given to – or more than one-half of their earned income is derived from – the gathering or reporting of news.
Additional requirements may be considered by the Executive Committee of Correspondents at its discretion.
The certifications required by the above rule shall be authenticated in a manner that shall be satisfactory to the Executive Committee of Correspondents, who shall see that the occupation of the galleries is confined to bona fide newsgatherers and/or reporters of reputable standing in their business who represent electronic newsgathering agencies engaged primarily in the daily dissemination of news.
Sec. 1 – The membership of this Association shall consist of persons whose qualifications, in the judgment of the Executive Committee, hereinafter constituted, shall warrant their election to any one of the following classifications.
Sec. 2 – ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP. Those who are qualified for membership in the Radio and Television Correspondents’ Galleries of the House of Representatives and the United States Senate. This membership status shall include all privileges of the Association such as voting, the holding of office, proposing persons for membership, in any of the various classifications and proposing amendments to the Constitution. These individuals are residents of the Federal District or vicinity.
Sec. 3 – TEMPORARY: This classification shall consist of persons, who in the opinion of the majority of the Executive Committee qualify for active membership in the Association but who are not actually residents of the Federal District or vicinity. These individuals do not have voting rights.
Sec. 4 – ASSOCIATE: This classification shall consist of members of the radio and television profession from the area of the Federal District or vicinity, who in the opinion of the majority of the Executive Committee do not qualify for active membership, but whose duties are closely associated with the gathering or dissemination of news for, and by, radio, television or similar means of transmission.
All active members shall pay dues each calendar year. Dues of all classifications of membership shall be set by the Executive Committee. All members who have not paid dues shall not participate in the elections of the Association.
Officers and Designation of Duties
Sec. 1 – The officers of this Association shall be elected for a term of two years, provided, however, that at the election in December 1977, the four candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall serve for two years and the remaining three for one year. Thereafter, four members shall be elected in odd‑numbered years and three in even‑numbered years. Immediately after each election steps shall be taken to transfer all duties, financial accounts, and Association business to their jurisdiction, such transfer to be accomplished no later than the opening day of the new Session of the Congress.
Sec. 2 – The candidate who receives the highest number of votes at the annual election shall become chair of the Association during the second year of his or her term, provided, however, that the chair for 1978 shall be elected by and from among the seven members of the Executive Committee. In the event no candidate receives a higher number of votes, the members of the Executive Committee shall elect a chair from among themselves. The members of the Executive Committee shall also elect for one‑year terms any other officers from among themselves they deem necessary. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to take such measures as may be necessary for the efficient conduct of the Radio and Television Correspondents’ Galleries of the House of Representatives and the Senate subject to such rules as may be determined by the Speaker of the House and the Senate Committee on Rules.
Sec. 3 – The Executive Committee is herewith empowered to enact bylaws in order to put in effect the provisions of this constitution.
Sec. 1 – A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Sec. 2 – A majority of the members of this Association shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. It shall be the duty of the secretary to see that every reasonable effort is made to notify all members of meetings.
Sec. 1 – There shall be an annual meeting of this Association on the first Friday following the annual election.
Sec. 2 –Additional meetings may be called, subject to the discretion of the chair.
Sec. 3 – Upon the presentation of a petition signed by twelve active members of this Association calling for a meeting, the President shall arrange for such meeting at a date not later than ten days from the date on aforesaid petition, Sundays and legal holidays excepted.
Amendments to this constitution must be presented in writing to each member of this Association at least ten days prior (Sundays and holidays excepted) to the date of a regular or special meeting of this Association. A plurality of two‑thirds of the members present and voting shall be necessary for the adoption of an amendment.
Parliamentary Authority
Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the authority of this Association.