Month: November 2017

Representing broadcast journalists on Capitol Hill

RTCA Executive Committee votes to revoke RT credentials

The Executive Committee of the Congressional Radio & Television Correspondents’ Galleries exercised its authority, as granted by the rules of the House and the Senate, to withdraw the news credentials of the RT Network by unanimous vote on November 21, 2017. RT Network was notified of the decision on November 29, 2017.   

Executive Committee Election Notice

Petitions nominating members to stand for election to the Executive Committee of the Radio-Television Correspondents Galleries are now being accepted.  There are three vacancies to be filled.  Any active member (as opposed to non-voting or temporary member) may be nominated by a petition signed by twelve active members.  Petitions must be submitted to any member of…
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Expansion of RTCA voting rights

The Executive Committee of the Radio-Television Correspondents’ Galleries voted unanimously to expand its election voting rights to include credentialed members whose main responsibilities are technical in nature.  Providing full membership status to this group properly acknowledges their broadcast expertise in covering Capitol Hill and will give your Gallery enhanced perspective to improve and protect our…
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