Month: December 2017

Representing broadcast journalists on Capitol Hill

2017 RTCA Executive Committee Election Results

RADIO TELEVISION CORRESPONDENTS’ GALLERIES 2017 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ELECTION RESULTS Thank you to all the candidates who ran for election to serve on the Executive Committee of Correspondents of the Congressional Radio-Television Galleries. The top three vote-getters are elected to serve a two-year term.  The person receiving the greatest number of votes will serve as Chair…
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RTCA response regarding RT Network

The Executive Committee of the Congressional Radio-TV Correspondents’ Galleries has received many inquiries regarding our decision to revoke RT’s accreditation following their recent filing as a “foreign agent” with the U.S. Justice Department.  In a widely reported response to our decision, RT has questioned the accreditation status of NHK, Japan’s largest publicly-funded broadcast outlet and…
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