RTCA response regarding RT Network

Representing broadcast journalists on Capitol Hill

RTCA response regarding RT Network

The Executive Committee of the Congressional Radio-TV Correspondents’ Galleries has received many inquiries regarding our decision to revoke RT’s accreditation following their recent filing as a “foreign agent” with the U.S. Justice Department. 

In a widely reported response to our decision, RT has questioned the accreditation status of NHK, Japan’s largest publicly-funded broadcast outlet and a longtime Gallery member, asserting they, too, have registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).  This is not accurate.  The company in question, NHK Cosmomedia America, Inc., is a separate entity that has never been issued credentials by the Congressional Radio-TV Correspondents’ Galleries.

On Monday, December 4, the Executive Committee met with NHK’s Washington Bureau Chief at his request, who affirmed NHK has not registered as a foreign agent under FARA.

Consequently, the Executive Committee of Correspondents stands by NHK’s current accreditation status and has concluded its review.  As always, the Committee will continue to aggressively verify our members’ continued compliance with Gallery membership rules.

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