RTCA Election Results

Congratulations to CNN’s Noah Gray on being elected Chair in 2022. Gray will serve as Vice Chair in 2021.
Ben Siegel, Jason Donner, and Alex Miller will also be joining the Executive Committee on a two-year term.
2021 Election Results:
Top Vote Getter Becomes Chair in 2022
Noah Gray Total Votes = 276 272 (Election Buddy) 4 (Provisional)
Ben Siegel Total Votes = 273 256 (Election Buddy) 17 (Provisional)
Jason Donner Total Votes = 73 71 (Election Buddy) 2 (Provisional)
Alex Miller Total Votes = 55 54 (Election Buddy) 1 (Provisional)
Constitution Total Votes YES = 531 Total Votes NO 14
Bylaws Total Votes YES = 524 Total Votes NO 9