Radio & Television Correspondents’ Association (RTCA)

The Radio-Television Correspondents Association is the major organization of broadcast journalists who report on the U.S. Congress in Washington, D.C. comprised of radio and television broadcasters from every part of the world. Its aim is to strive to protect the rights and privileges of radio and television news reporters who are assigned to bring the news of the United States House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate to viewers and listeners across the globe, and assist in every way possible to maintain the high standards of reporting news by its members.
The RTCA also plays a supporting role in the mission of the Congressional radio & television galleries in promoting access for broadcasters to the elected members of the House and Senate.
RTCA officers serve as the Executive Committee of Correspondents. Founded in 1939 and with over 3,600 members today, the RTCA is the voice of radio and television news in Washington, D.C.