A Message from the RTCA Regarding Health & Safety on Capitol Hill
Dear Members,
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues throughout the country, the Executive Committee would like to remind its members to take all safety precautions necessary when reporting on Capitol Hill.
The past few weeks have led to more reporters returning to work making corridors and hallways even more congested.
Two important things members of our Gallery can control: limiting your presence here, and complying with health safety protocols. Pooled broadcast coverage is intended to minimize how many of our colleagues are at risk of exposure.
It is imperative that CDC guidelines, and House rules, in regards to social distancing and face coverings be followed.
The Executive Committee has also repeatedly reached out to the other galleries on Capitol Hill asking them to remind its members to abide by these guidelines.
We are also asking Senate and House leaders to develop a plan to ensure the safety of everyone on Capitol Hill.
The Executive Committee will continue to find ways we can contribute to ensure everyone works in a safe environment.
Executive Committee of Correspondents
Radio and Television Correspondents’ Association