Statement on RNC Considering Closing Parts of National Convention to Press
The Executive Committee of Correspondents is highly concerned about the Republican National Committee considering closing parts of its upcoming convention to the press, including the session where delegates will vote to re-nominate President Trump.
The First Amendment and a free press are vital to our democracy and it would be unacceptable to not allow open press coverage of convention events. Closed proceedings only prevent an open and transparent process.
Our committee understands safety precautions and limitations due to COVID-19, but there’s no reason a press pool cannot be allowed to cover events. Pools are used on a daily basis to cover President Trump and other events in Washington, DC.
As the organization that represents radio and television journalists on Capitol Hill, and handles convention credentialing every four years, we urge the RNC to follow long-standing tradition and allow press access to all events.
Executive Committee of Correspondents
Radio & Television Correspondents’ Association